Sample Board Presentation Agenda

Bank Board Strategic Business Planning Presentation: 

2024-2026 “Challenge Brings Opportunity”


Objectives for the Presentation:

  1. To provide an understanding of the current and anticipated operating environment which community based financial institutions face in the second half 2024/2025/2026 and the related key elements that institutions must consider and understand


  1. To present the primary challenges which come out of this environment in the areas of:
  • Liquidity
  • Profitability Drivers
  • Business plan focus looking out over 12 months and beyond
  • Rates versus Relationship: is it an either-or?
  • Clarity of brand for the long term relevant to the current and anticipated demographics of the bank’s markets


  1. To understand key measures of “performance for community-based banks”
  • Balance sheet mix
  • Pricing focus
  • Deposit structure
  • Loan structure
  • Sources of income
  • Market positioning
  • True value proposition 


  1. To compare these key measures with bank’s market and business model to:
  • Ensure and maintain competitive strength from a financial and “reach” standpoint
  • Fulfilling the complex “community based” vision mandate

Presentation Agenda:

  1. Current and anticipated operating environment
    1. Economic/rate outlook 
    2. Demand/focus for lending
      1. Mix and volume expectations
    3. Funding/cashflows outlook
      1. Depositor reliance and/or wholesale resource
      2. Pricing
    4. Yield curve expectation 
      1. Community banks as compared to Treasury
        1. Potential variances for funding mix/rate management (e.g. Beta studies, prepayment speeds, integrated cash flow forecast etc.)
        2. Asset management pricing/profitability perspective
    5. “Margin” management and pricing/measurement methodology


  1. Performance metrics relevant for the environment and outlook

Second half – 2024: 

  1. stabilize margin compression
  2. Manage current and anticipated liquidity
  3. Capital management
  4. Strategic planning

2025 and beyond:

  1. Understanding the markets and environment
    1. What’s the same, what has changed
  2. How is the bank strategically positioning for the present and future


Material to be referenced during presentation: (provided at presentation to ensure most current data etc.)

Yield curve 

Rate forecast

Third party peer focus performance trends (as of second quarter 2024 –with context)

Interest Rate Risk/Business Plan B/S and Income statement reporting with select support data (source: ALM reports, bank and third party sourced data etc.)

Relevant industry trend data and observations 



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